A Photo From Above… Of My Friend The Bishop

Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows consecration as bishop of Indianapolis, April 29, 2017. 

Copyright Vincent D. Johnson

One of my greatest joys is sharing my photographic talents with friends and family.

I think so many people associate photography of themselves as one of two ends. It’s either professional portraits or regular snap shots and selfies. So, when someone like me, with decades of experience as a photojournalist, comes along and documents just the regular or mundane of their family’s life. It can be a little mind blowing, because most people never experience that. There’s no kiosk in the mall offering that service and it’s really something few people ever get to experience.

Jen and her family got that experience a few times before. We were introduced to each other by the pastor of the church my family and I attended and she was a kind of “guest priest” there. Her full-time job was as the communication director for the diocese and ironically they were looking for someone like me to document work the diocese was doing.

It just so happened that we both had young sons about a year apart and birthday parties and Sunday school had them hanging out a lot.

My Friend Becomes A Bishop

Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows consecration as bishop of Indianapolis, April 29, 2017. 

Copyright Vincent D. Johnson

In 2017 she was elected as the Bishop of the Diocese of Indianapolis. While my wife and I were sad her family and her would be leaving Chicago, she is such an amazing person and this moment was so special we made the drive to Indy for the ceremony.

As one tends to be when you have young children, we were just a little behind schedule getting there. So Jen did not know we were in audience. I was sure that the Diocese of Indianapolis would have a photographer on hand. Possibly even someone from the local newspaper, but I wasn’t going to leave my camera at home.

Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows consecration as bishop of Indianapolis, April 29, 2017. 

Copyright Vincent D. Johnson

Once settled into our seats in the balcony, I left my camera bag with my wife & sons and made my way around the auditorium. I even got back stage for some photos outwards of the room. However the big moment of this story and the part that makes me happy to be able to share what I do with friends, came next.

From Above

Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows consecration as bishop of Indianapolis, April 29, 2017. 

Copyright Vincent D. Johnson

When the big moment came where all the bishops in attendance surround Jen as she kneeled and was blessed, I was at ground level. My view quickly went from one of her kneeling to the back of red vestments. Over the years I’ve taught myself to see photos from all sides of a subject matter. Almost instantly I knew this had to look amazing from above! So, I raced up to the third floor balcony that luckily went almost up to the stage wall along the side.

Out of breath, but thankful the circle hadn’t separated, I began making photos.

Little did I know, at that very moment, she too was thinking that moment would be beautiful if captured from above.

Later that evening, when we were at her home for family & friends celebration I showed here the image and she told me the story.

It still warms my heart that once every couple of years when she commemorates becoming a Bishop she shares this photo and tags me with a “thank you.”